Friday, October 31, 2014

Month of October 2014

After our week of cleaning the temple we decided to take a trip to Williamsburg. Williamsburg was founded in 1632 as a fortified settlement on high ground between the James and York rivers. The city served as the capital of the Colony of Virginia from 1699 to 1780 and was the center of political events in Virginia leading to the American Revolution
We found that place to be the most enjoyable place we have been to here in the east. We loved the way the residents dress and act in character of the times and events of that day. They are paid and make their living acting as certain people of that time. We tried hard to get them out of character but they are really good.
We spent 4 days there and just could not get enough.

The interaction with the people was something we really enjoyed.

We also visited Yorktown and Jamestown.

On Oct. 6th we had another Hail & Farewell and sent more of our missionary friend home. But at the same time we got 2 new couples and 2 new Sisters. One of them is the Mother-In-Law of my cousin Della Jeans’s son.

The temple here is open for half a day on national holidays to accommodate government workers. So on Oct. 13th we served and there were about 1100 endowments done on that day. That’s a really big day for a half day here in the D.C. Temple.

Oct. 20th the Ward had scheduled a trip to the Shenandoah Park & Luray Caverns. Sandra went out early to go to a store and discovered that our car had been broken into. The passenger side window had been broken out and our GPS stollen. 

That put a real bind into our plans for going with the Ward. But as usual, the Lord worked it out. We called the police, they came and checked it out, told us they already had caught the vandals, took a report, taped up our window and we were off with the Ward in about 30 minutes.
We had a great day and experience seeing the Shenandoah mountains and the Luray Caverns.

They have an organ in the caverns that strikes certain stalactites and makes the sounds for the organ. Very interesting to listen to.

The rest of the month was pretty normal (if you can call working every day in the Temple normal). We just love it. We get new missionaries every month and it is really great to get to know them and help them get oriented to the temple.